Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a c t u a l l y

A C T U A L L Y - the most suitable title for this post!
actually I have lots to write!
but I just don't know how to start

actually I don't really like to smile recently
but I'm forced to fake my smile
actually I hate!
but I can just pretend as I like
actually I'm stressed
but I pretend as I'm ok
actually I'm not strong at all!
but I act like no one/ nothing can hurt me easily
actually I can eat a lot
but I just stop myself from eating so much
actually I care how people look on me
but I act like I don't mind
actually I enjoy hanging out with friends
but tiredness seems to be stopping me always
actually I'm fat
but I just don't want to admit that :p
actually, just actually!
actually, I miss home